
Saturday, March 26, 2011

Robert Pattinson Really Funny In Entertainment Weekly

Posted: 25 Mar 2011 05:50 AM PDT
It’s true that absence makes the heart grow fonder. I was just about OV-AH Twilight, Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart, and Edward and Bella’s whole deal.
I wasn’t even particularly excited about Breaking Dawn. Until I read this sweet and funny interview Rob did for this weeks Entertainment Weekly. He’s such a silly goof ball and so truthful about just how dorky his is real life that I sort of dig him again. Or maybe I just have deep empathy over the contact thing. I can’t wear them either and it pisses me off that everyone else in the world can pop them in and out like candy.
Read the interview below and you’ll see what I mean. I especially like how he describes Reese Witherspoon as “not annoying”…like everyone else he works with is. Brilliant.
reese robert entertain week
On his long-term career: “You can never really predict what an audience wants or how to maintain a career… other than doing what you think is cool.” But, Pattinson laughs, “Generally, what I think is cool is what everyone else hates.”
On Breaking Dawn: “There’s some interesting and weird stuff going on — really very, very, very strange. It’s great. For a big mainstream movie, it’s the most obscure story line and really outside the box. It’s a horror movie. I’ve seen a few bits, and I just can’t see how it’s going to be PG-13. . . unless they cut everything out.”
On the contact lenses he’s had to wear to play Edward: “My God, I’ll be glad to see the last of those,” he says. “I actually want to get some kind of plastic explosive. I want to reanimate them into something so I can kill them. It’s so embarrassing for me — after so many years, it’s still a process every single morning. Everybody else has figured out how to do it, and then there’s two people holding me down because I can’t do it myself.”
On working with Reese: “There’s something about her. She’s just this genuinely nice person. I don’t know if she puts an effort into creating a nice aura, but her mood dissipates over the whole set. It was a completely different environment from when she wasn’t there. All the kids and the animals were just drawn to her. It made it incredibly easy to do my part — all my reaction shots are just watching her work brilliantly. She’s really cool and she’s just. . . never, ever annoying. God, that’s the worst description, isn’t it?”
On Reese, whether she remembered him from working together on Vanity Fair: “Yeah, completely. No, actually, I don’t know what I’m talking about, not really. I only worked with her for two days. But she was lovely to me, I remember that. I didn’t know what I was doing. I was freaking out. It’s pretty much the only time I’ve forgotten my lines, and it scarred me so much I’ve never let it happen again. We did a scene where she cries, and we started doing the scene and immediately there were tears…and I couldn’t remember a single thing in my head. And then they say, “Cut” and she wasn’t crying anymore. I was like, “How are you doing that? That isn’t fair. I want to be able to do that!”
On becoming more confident: “The tiredness helps as well. I’m just so constantly clouded in self-consciousness all the time because I didn’t grow up as a very dramatic kid. I did this movie called Bel Ami at the beginning of the year, and we did a lot of rehearsals, and we were doing all this body language stuff, and I was so embarrassed doing it in front of other actors. And they were so comfortable with it! I felt like the biggest moron ever…I was watching the other actors- the director would be like, “Just run around screaming!” And I’d go, “Um, no!” [Laughs] People would take off screaming, and they were loving it! I was like, “But how can you love that?” I would love to love that. I would love to revel in my own physicality. I just feel like I’d trip over my own feet.”
On life after Twilight: “It’s funny how it’s ending in 2012. This is how the world will end. But, um, I don’t know. I think most of people’s recognition is based on the magazines and stuff. All the gossip stories won’t work— they’re always combined with Twilight, so once that’s done and it can’t be combined with the promotion of the film, I think it will end. Because I have an obscenely boring life.”