Cheryl Cole breaks her silence to reassure fans she is 'absolutely fine' after 'the weirdest past few weeks'

Monday, June 20, 2011

Cheryl Cole breaks her silence to reassure fans she is 'absolutely fine' after 'the weirdest past few weeks'

By Sarah Bull

Last updated at 10:02 AM on 20th June 2011

  • Ashley boasts getting back with Cheryl is 'a done deal' after night together
  • Footballer tells Cheryl 'I love you, we'll be together soon'

'I'm absolutely fine': Cheryl Cole has broken her silence to reassure fans she is fine with a blog post on her official website
'I'm absolutely fine': Cheryl Cole has broken her silence to reassure fans she is fine with a blog post on her official website

Cheryl Cole has broken her silence and come forward to thank her fans for their loyalty, assuring fans she is 'absolutely fine'.

The 27-year-old singer posted a blog on her official website filling in her fans on what she has been up to for the past 25 days since she was last seen in public.

Calling it 'the weirdest past few weeks', Cheryl wrote that she has been enjoying her down time and catching up with her family and friends.

She wrote: 'Where do i start? I have had the weirdest past few weeks (nothing unusual there though.) I wouldn't even know how to begin to tell you all about it.

'I have had the time that I have not had in so long to just chill with my loved ones and do the normal things that I like to do. See my friends and family and be with my doggys :D.

'It feels long overdue and sooooo good, even my feet are happy to not have to wear a pair of high heels hehe.'

Cheryl also reassured fans that she has not gone into hiding since her now infamous firing from X Factor USA, and thanked them for their support in the past few weeks.

She wrote: 'I have the BEST, most unbelievable people out there, who I feel so lucky to call my support system. You never fail to amaze me. I have been reading your letters and opening my prezzies ( I feel very spoilt ) and hearing all of your kind, special and inspiring things you want to say to me.

'I feel your presence and strength always, and no matter what decision I make or what it is I'm facing, I appreciate you all more than you'll ever know.

She's back: Cheryl wrote a blog on her website for fans
Grateful: Cheryl wrote a blog on her website, telling fans: 'You are my little soldiers and you mean the world to me'

'It also breaks my heart a little when i hear that some of you worry about me and need to know that I am ok, so I want to PROMISE you that I am absolutely fine and more than ok!'


Hi my Gorgeous ones.
It's me! I wanted to talk to you all direct, and first and foremost thank you all for your continued love, unbelievable LOYALTY and support and remind you that I love you all to bits.
Where do i start? I have had the weirdest past few weeks (nothing unusual there though.) I wouldn't even know how to begin to tell you all about it.
What I do know for certain is that I have the BEST, most unbelievable people out there, who I feel so lucky to call my support system.
You never fail to amaze me. I have been reading your letters and opening my prezzies (I feel very spoilt ) and hearing all of your kind, special and inspiring things you want to say to me.
I feel your presence and strength always, and no matter what decision I make or what it is I'm facing, I appreciate you all more than you'll ever know. It also breaks my heart a little when i hear that some of you worry about me and need to know that I am ok, so I want to PROMISE you that I am absolutely fine and more than ok!
I have had the time that I have not had in so long to just chill with my loved ones and do the normal things that I like to do. See my friends and family and be with my doggys :D. It feels long overdue and sooooo good, even my feet are happy to not have to wear a pair of high heels hehe.
You are my little soldiers and you mean the world to me.Remember what I tell you, stay strong, keep calm and carry on ;) I'll speak to you all soon when I have some new news, until then I salute you :)

The former Girls Aloud star concluded her blog post by assuring fans that she will soon be back.

She wrote: 'You are my little soldiers and you mean the world to me.Remember what I tell you, stay strong, keep calm and carry on ;) I'll speak to you all soon when I have some new news, until then I salute you :)'

Cheryl made no comment about reports today that she has moved back in with her ex-husband Ashley.

The singer apparently spent the night at the couple's former £5million marital home in Surrey before the footballer went on holiday and has been lying low there during his trip abroad.

Although Cheryl stayed at the 12-bedroom house - the pair are not said to have shared a room. They married in July 2006 but divorced last September.

A friend told the News of the World: 'They were saying what a special night it was. They were mucking about like old times just playing pool, smoking and having a few drinks.

‘There wasn’t any awkwardness between the two of them and they seemed very comfortable together.’

Following their reunion, the Chelsea footballer flew to America for his holiday, leaving Cheryl in the house.

However, Ashley has apparently already started boasting to friends that his getting back together with Cheryl is 'a done deal'.

Cheryl is said to be 'seriously considering' reigniting her romance with the footballer after he bombarded her with heartfelt calls and text messages following her X Factor exit.

A source told The Sun: 'Ashley gave a lost and hurt woman, whom he still loves, a place to lay her head. It reminded her of a happier time. It was masochistic of her and clever of him. He'd do anything to win her back.

'Her PR team insist it is platonic but they are very worried.

'None of this would have happened if she hadn't lost the X Factor gig. She has gone from being incredibly busy to having time on her hands.

'She has been thinking a lot and was feeling extremely vulnerable when she went to Ashley's.'

Ashley is thought to have been ringing Cheryl frequently since leaving for LA, and was overheard by a fellow passenger in the airport telling the singer 'I love you. Don't worry, we'll be together soon'.

Romance reunited? Cheryl apparently spent the night at her marital home with ex husband Ashley
Romance reunited? Cheryl apparently spent the night with ex husband Ashley Cole at their marital home

Home sweet home: Cheryl spent the night at Hurtmore House, Surrey set on a 12 acre estate worth £5 million
Home sweet home: Cheryl spent the night at Hurtmore House, Surrey set on a 12 acre estate worth £5 million

However, while Cheryl is being drawn in by Ashley's wooing, she said to be still concerned about how taking him back would affect her career - especially since Simon Cowell warned her getting back together with Ashley would mean the end of her career stateside.

The source added: 'Ashley has got his claws in and Cheryl is seriously considering if they have a future.

'She knows the British public wouldn't accept a reunion. She has to decide between a career here or love abroad.

Before the storm: Cheryl had been enjoying a series of public appearances, including a trip to the Cannes Film Festival (left), at the preliminary X Factor USA auditions and at a FOX party (right)
Before the storm: Cheryl had been enjoying a series of public appearances, including a trip to the Cannes Film Festival (left), at the preliminary X Factor USA auditions and at a FOX party (right)
Before the storm: Cheryl had been enjoying a series of public appearances, including a trip to the Cannes Film Festival (left), at the preliminary X Factor USA auditions and at a FOX party (right)

Before the storm: Cheryl had been enjoying a series of public appearances, including a trip to the Cannes Film Festival (left), at the preliminary X Factor USA auditions and at a FOX party (right)

'He'll only be playing football a few more years and suggested living abroad and starting a family. It's tearing her apart.'

The news came amid news that the singer has been dropped from an exclusive royal dinner party.

Cheryl had apparently been planning to make her comeback at the event, held for the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge when they arrive in Los Angeles next month.

But her invitation to the party has now been withdrawn following her firing from the X Factor USA, it has been claimed.

Former colleagues: Paula Abdul tweeted that Cheryl had sent her a huge bunch of flowers, showing the singer isn't holding a grudge about her axe
Former colleagues: Paula Abdul tweeted that Cheryl had sent her a huge bunch of flowers, showing the singer isn't holding a grudge about her axe

A source told the News of the World: 'It's yet another blow for Cheryl and the last thing she needs at the moment. The whole of Hollywood wants an invite to this dinner.

'But without the X Factor, there is no reason for her to be there. It would have been the event where she shone with all America looking for the first time.'

The last image of Cheryl was when she was seen putting on a brave face for the camera as she posed with a fan at the Cliveden Hotel in Berkshire just hours before her X Factor exit was announced.

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