New fears for 'exhausted' Cheryl Cole as she's dropped from William and Kate's royal dinner party

Sunday, June 19, 2011
New fears for 'exhausted' Cheryl Cole as she's dropped from William and Kate's royal dinner party

By Sarah Bull

Last updated at 2:43 AM on 19th June 2011

  • Singer hasn't been seen for the past 25 days
  • Friends claim exhausted Cheryl is 'taking a break'

Last sighting: Cheryl Cole has not been seen since she was pictured at a Berkshire hotel 25 days ago
Last sighting: Cheryl Cole has not been seen since she was pictured at a Berkshire hotel 25 days ago

New fears have arisen for Cheryl Cole after it was revealed the singer has been dropped from an exclusive royal dinner party.

Cheryl had apparently been planning to make her comeback at the event, held for the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge when they arrive in Los Angeles next month, but her invitation to the party has now been withdrawn following her firing from the U.S. X Factor, it has been claimed.

A source told the News of the World: 'It's yet another blow for Cheryl and the last thing she needs at the moment. The whole of Hollywood wants an invite to this dinner.

'But without the X Factor, there is no reason for her to be there. It would have been the event where she shone with all America looking for the first time.'

And the 27-year-old singer, who is now said to have been replaced by TV chef Gordon Ramsay, apparently told friends she is planning on taking an indefinite break from the showbiz world.

Speaking through a friend, Cheryl is quoted as telling the Sunday Mirror: 'I need a break. I need to rest and I need to reassess what I’m doing with my life. I haven’t had a break for nine years and I’m exhausted from it all. For once now I am going to take some time out.

'I’ve not worked for a few weeks now and for once I don’t have to worry about anything. For once I can have some time for myself – not worry about X Factor, not worry about recording an album, not worry about anything.

'Suddenly I’m under no pressure and I actually feel the happiest I’ve felt in a long, long time. I’ve got a big place, I have enough money – and if I never get photographed again, I don’t care.

'I’ve always had people saying "we need to put an album out, we need to record it now" and "we have to rehearse for this tour and that tour’ and ‘now we need to do auditions for X Factor".

Before the storm: Cheryl had been enjoying a series of public appearances, including a trip to the Cannes Film Festival (left), at the preliminary X Factor USA auditions and at a FOX party (right)
Before the storm: Cheryl had been enjoying a series of public appearances, including a trip to the Cannes Film Festival (left), at the preliminary X Factor USA auditions and at a FOX party (right)
Before the storm: Cheryl had been enjoying a series of public appearances, including a trip to the Cannes Film Festival (left), at the preliminary X Factor USA auditions and at a FOX party (right)

Before the storm: Cheryl had been enjoying a series of public appearances, including a trip to the Cannes Film Festival (left), at the preliminary X Factor USA auditions and at a FOX party (right)

'I need to take a good few months off now – something I’ve never done before.'

And it seems Cheryl is determined to take her break behind closed doors, as the singer hasn't been seen for 25 days.

The last image of Cheryl was when she was seen putting on a brave face for the camera as she posed with a fan at the Cliveden Hotel in Berkshire just hours before her X Factor exit was announced.

Former colleagues: Paula Abdul tweeted that Cheryl had sent her a huge bunch of flowers, showing the singer isn't holding a grudge about her axe
Former colleagues: Paula Abdul tweeted that Cheryl had sent her a huge bunch of flowers, showing the singer isn't holding a grudge about her axe

A source told the Sunday People: 'Cheryl doesn't deal with a crisis well. Behind the smiles and the glamour she can be quite insecure.

'Dealing with her marriage split was hard but her career was a massive help to her then. She also had Simon by her side and I think she thought he'd always be there for her, helping guide her through the pitfalls.

'So this has hit her very hard and she can't face the outside world at the moment.'

No show: Cheryl's invitation to the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge's royal dinner party has now been withdrawn
No show: Cheryl's invitation to the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge's royal dinner party has now been withdrawn

It has also been claimed that Cheryl has now moved out of her £3.1million north London home, and has taken her belongings to an international cargo facility.

The property, which comes complete with its own cinema, has apparently already been listed online.

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