The World's greatest team of Superheros: New Avengers posters show Marvel comic gang together for the first time
By Mike Larkin
Last updated at 6:36 AM on 16th December 2011
It is the question that has been been tantalising comics fans for months - what will the world's greatest team of superheroes look like.
Now fans have been treated to the release of two new promotional banners showing the highly anticipated Avengers line-up.
But while Marvel fanatics can see the team together for the first time, some will no doubt be left disappointed by the notable absence of The Hulk, as the character is shown in his human Bruce Banner form instead.

Bruce's banner: Mark Ruffalo features as the scientist with just a hint of green hinting at the monster within in the newly released promotional material

B-listers: While Nick Fury and Loki have their fans there is no doubt the top stars are in the other poster
No doubt movie fans will love seeing Mark Ruffalo dressed as the geeky nuclear scientist, with just a hint of green showing the creature within, but it seems fans of his incredibly angry alter ego will have to wait.
However this surely means anticipation will just build all the more as the countdown to the blockbuster hopeful's release in May, when they will finally see what his latest incarnation will definitively look like.
Ruffalo's character is seen standing next to Robert Downey Jr in his Iron Man suit, with Chris Evans' Captain America and Chris Hemsworth's Thor standing on either side.

Known quantities: Comic book movie fans already know what the other characters look like as they have been prancing around in costume

Fiery: Scarlett does not have a Superpower as the Black Widow
On the second poster you see Samuel L Jackson dressed as the superhero team's boss Nick Fury, Jeremy Renner as supersniper Hawkeye, Scarlett Johannson as secret agent extraordinaire Black Widow and Tom Hiddleston in the guise of the movie's villain Loki.
No doubt fans will be excited to see the new pictures from the blockbuster film.
But the absence of quite literally film's biggest character, will surely be a bit of a disappointment.
Aside cartoons, the character has rendered three times for the screen.
Eric Bana starred as Banner in the 2003 film Hulk, which received mixed reviews and was a box office disappointment , with many complaining about the green antihero's fake looking CGI.

A tale of two Hulks: Most fans preferred the more muscular 2008 Incredible Hulk to the CGi in 2003's Hulk
American History X star Ed Norton took over the role for the 2008's The Incredible Hulk, which was generally better received but did not score much bigger with cinemagoers.
For many though, the definitive rendition is bodybuilder Lou Ferringo's performance as the antihero in the hit 70s and 80s television show, also called The Incredible Hulk.
According to comic lore the not-so-jolly green giant is virtually indestructible, with his power only limited to how angry he gets.
The Avengers is set for release Summer 2012.

The original and best: But for many fans bodybuilder Lou Ferrigno is still the definitive screen Hulk
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