A stay in a manger: Stables owner recreates nativity scene and offers bed in the straw for just £12-a-night
By Jessica Satherley
Last updated at 3:19 PM on 5th December 2011
If you’re looking for the perfect way to get into the Christmas spirit this year, why not stay in this £12-a-night manger inspired by a nativity scene.
Fiona Turton decided to rent out her donkey’s stable as a B&B over the festive season for charity, which looks just like the birth place of Jesus Christ.
But this manger, sitting in six acres of farmland in South Downs, Sussex, boasts wireless internet, heating and mood lightening for some modern comforts.

Festive accommodation: Mrs Turton's daughter-in-law Abbi Broadbent is pictured in the donkey's stable that's converted into a £12-a-night room
The Burgess Hill GP, 54, and her husband will use the profits from the manger to raise money for Leukaemia and Lymphoma Research.
Mrs Turton told The Argus in Brighton: ‘We felt that Bethlehem and nativity was appropriate. That’s very much part of our family Christmas.
‘The stable is a real Victorian stable that is actually in use for the donkeys, so a good clean and brush out and wonderful new straw was all that was needed.
‘The donkey’s live in five star accommodation.’

Cosy for Christmas: Abbi shows off the view through the stable's window, which her family is renting out for charity

Modern comforts: This manger sitting in six acres of farmland in South Downs, Sussex, boasts wireless internet, heating
As well as offering wireless internet access, the stable sleeps two in a cosy straw double bed and also has tea making facilities.
Guests can rent Shepherd costumes and bath towels and even receive free Christmas lessons.
Fiona and her husband are both doctors and they wanted to raise money for Leukaemia Research.
The idea of renting out their stable actually came from their daughter-in-law Abbi Broadbent though, whose aunt died of leukaemia.
The 22-year-old film publicist told the Sunday Express: ‘If people really want to get into the spirit of Christmas they could borrow some Wise Men costumes and get Soot and Buggins involved in some play-acting.
‘The only think we don’t have is a star to guide people to the stable. ‘
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2069757/Stables-owner-recreates-nativity-scene-offers-bed-straw-just-12-night.html#ixzz1ftYwnLof