Myleene Klass is squealing with delight as she lowers her knockout curves into a bath of very hot water.
As she lies with wet black lace clinging to her body and high heels resting seductively on the side, her first thought is not how smokin' hot she looks... but to make sure she hasn't splashed water on the carpet. "Please tell me I haven't ruined anything," she giggles.
This is classic Myleene. Ridiculously sexy and reassuringly wholesome at the same time. It is the very essence of her appeal - and why she is one of the most in-demand presenters on the box, as well as making millions as the face of Marks & Spencer, Pantene and Mothercare and, soon Seven Seas Health Oils.
Myleene wears (above and top): bra, Ann Summers; knickers, Marks & Spencer; hold-ups, Agent Provocateur
This is a woman who is a classically trained Royal Academy musician but can also do the splits; who has appeared on Mastermind and the cover of Loaded and FHM; and whose comment on coming out of the I'm A Celebrity! jungle was: "Forget snakes and spiders - going without sex was the hardest thing."

No surprise, then, that her first child Ava, now four, was conceived in her Australian hotel room.

Gray loves anything short, black and lacy

But the best thing about the 33 year old, is that she's a jolly good laugh. Nothing is off limits with her. She's happy to share why her partner, Graham Quinn (or "Gray"), goes mad when she pinches his bum. "I always try and do it on the red carpet," she laughs. "He'll be there with JLS [Graham, 35, is head of security for the band] and I'll race over and give his bum a quick pinch. It drives him insane because he's trying to be all professional. It's such a wind up."
And within a minute, she's on to how they nearly broke up after the arrival of Ava: "I don't understand why couples aren't told having a baby can drive you apart. It did get desperate at one point, and I thank God we got through it.
"We had a really difficult time after Ava was born. I think it was far worse for him because he just felt he'd been shut out and he was really desperate. We'd just got through that patch when I found out I was pregnant with Hero, who's now six months old, and it has been completely different this time. We know what we went through and we know how to deal with problems."
Then she's talking about how she believes being a sexy momma is crucial to keeping a relationship together.
"Yes, we do have date nights," she says. "Usually it's a trip to the cinema or a restaurant, but it's anything that makes you realise that the real thing that is keeping this whole world of yours together is the relationship between the two of you.
Myleene wears: dress, Ann Summers
"I have to admit he is way more romantic than I am. I'm far too practical, independent and controlled, but Gray is a real romantic. A few months ago he just went: 'Right, Myleene, pack your toothbrush', and he took me off for a weekend in a hotel. It was amazing - lovely and very sexy."

In fact, get her started and there's no stopping the girl.
"Most of the time Gray sees me in no make-up and tracksuit bottoms, but I know exactly what he likes," she continues."Anything short, black, lacy - and heels have to be involved. Sometimes I over-think what's sexy, but it's not that hard - that old-fashioned formula always hits the spot.
"Our relationship has definitely evolved. I've definitely changed. I always loved Gray, but I've never loved him as much as I do now. I think he's amazing. I think he's gorgeous - he has these big, strong sexy arms - but what I think I really love is when he just gives me this stare with his incredible eyes.
"He is the total opposite of me - he is a man of few words, the strong, silent type and when he gives me that look, I feel his eyes boring through me. That is very, very sexy.
"I love that he absolutely sticks to his word. He works with amazing people from JLS to Westlife and he's done amazing work with politicians. But if I ask him something that's a secret he totally won't tell me. I love that about him because it's something I could absolutely never do. I'm such a dreadful gossip."
And breathe.
Through thick and thin
Gray and Myleene have been together for a decade, and fell in love during the disastrous aftermath of her first band, Hear'Say, Britain's very first pop group created through reality TV.

The group fell apart after less than two years, and Myleene found herself the victim of bullies who would hurl abuse at her (and in one case she was physically attacked) calling her fat, ugly and untalented. It was Gray - then the band's security guard - who Myleene turned to for support.
Immediately after the band broke up, Myleene went from a size 14 to a size 6 as she struggled to get back her self-esteem.
"At the time, people around me told me I looked amazing. My hip bones were sticking out and my clothes were falling off me. Gray hated it, but I thought I looked great.
"I look back at pictures of how I was and just feel very sad for that girl. There was nothing sexy about being that thin, it was all about being incredibly insecure."
Above left: Myleene and her long-term partner Graham; right: with Ava, now four, and baby Hero, now six months
But becoming a mother has totally changed her attitude to her body. "You go through so many stages in pregnancy," she says. "You can look great and you can look awful and it's all OK.
"In my second pregnancy, I suffered from terrible nosebleeds. I was getting out of a car with Ava and a pap snapped a picture of me with tissue up my nose. I went up to him and he asked me if I wanted him to delete the shot. I told him: 'No, because this is what really happens to women during pregnancy.' I didn't care that I looked a bit stupid. I was more concerned that I didn't have blood dripping down my face in front of my little girl. He was stunned, but I absolutely meant it."

I was offered a judging role. I turned it down

It's not only Myleene's attitude that has changed. Her body has undergone its own transformation.
"Six months after having Hero, I'm left with much smaller boobs and a bigger bottom and a stone of my pregnancy weight," she confides. "But I don't care. I'm so much more comfortable in my skin at 33 than I was at 23.
"I'm proud of my body. I've carried two babies, pushed out two babies, and I feel like a strong woman. I even like my little boobs, I used to have huge boobs and I always felt self-conscious. Dresses fit me much better now."
A Klass act
Simon Cowell has called Myleene the "most droolable woman in the world". But has he ever offered her a job as a judge?
She laughs: "I have been offered a judging role, but that's all I'm prepared to say. And yes, I do know Simon. I turned down the job because it wasn't the right time for me. But I do watch The X Factor obsessively. I think this current X Factor series is absolutely brilliant."
Myleene wears: dress, Ann Summers
Ask her what she thinks about Gary Barlow's remarks that 16 year olds shouldn't be allowed to compete in talent TV shows, and she shrugs: "It's so hard. Maybe some people are ready at that age, but I wouldn't have been. When I was 16 I wanted to leave Norfolk [where she grew up] and go to London to do music, but my dad insisted I finish my studies and wait till I was 18 to make any decisions. He was absolutely right.
"As for my children, I would do everything I could to discourage them from going into show business. In some ways I am probably a total hypocrite. I am part of this showbiz world, but I keep all magazines and newspapers away from them. They hardly watch any television and have absolutely no idea I'm on TV. They definitely don't watch The X Factor.
Myleene wears: slip, La Senza
"I'm obsessed with my girls growing up to value their brains and what they can do with their hands [Ava already studies piano and violin] and not thinking it's all about looks, fake tan and hair extensions. I am super-strict about everything they do, from their manners to the kinds of food they eat. I want them to be really good, unspoilt girls."
Family life is obviously important to Myleene. A few years ago she said she wasn't sure if she would ever marry Gray, because she didn't want to jeopardise what they had. Now, she says, she is definitely ready to become Mrs Quinn.
"I did have a lot of worries," she admits, "and I hate the idea that so much is about the bells and whistles of the wedding - for me it's all about the marriage. I said to Gray recently: 'All I want is no fuss, the vows and a burger afterwards, and I'll be happy.'
"I spent last year dealing with my sister, Jessie's divorce. I was her proxy because she couldn't handle everything. I had just fallen pregnant and spent my time sitting in a lawyer's office sifting through the enormous distress that a marriage breakdown brings.
"To me, marriage is about commitment, not the wedding. It's about the relationship between the two of you that you build your whole life upon. That has to be rock solid. It has to work, you have to love and respect that person. Don't be thinking about the big white dress, think about what happens afterwards."
The main man
Myleene is clear she has found Mr Right in Gray. "We've been absolutely tested and I just know he is the only man for me.
"Of course, we do worry about other people. He goes off with JLS and the stories about women trying to get to them through him are horrifying! And he also worries about men hitting on me. But it is totally black and white for me. I'm not one of those women who would accept an affair. Cheating is a total deal-breaker.

"What you have together should be enough for both of you, which is why I think keeping those date nights are so important. I'm very happy. Gray and I have an amazing relationship in that aspect."
She guffaws: "And I've just sent him copies of all these sexy pictures." Nuff said.
  • Myleene is fronting the launch of Seven Seas Health Oils. Visit for more information.